Hustle Her Way Summit- Recap

Hustle Her Way Summit- Recap


In a room full of visionary women I found inspiration. The Hustle Her Way was created to provide resources and tools to women entrepreneurs. At the conclusion of the summit I finally felt that I had the courage to make my entrepreneur dreams a profitable reality.

One of my favorite speakers of the day was Miracle Reed (pictured above). She opened the day with an inspirational message and shared her personal story. With multiple published books under her belt it is no surprise that she had the whole room shooting"Amen" once she was done! One thing I enjoyed about the summit was that it wasn't the type of summit where the speakers just talked in circles and theory. The speakers at this summit gave real solutions to real life problems. Robin Rectenwald spoke on financial wellness and shared her struggle with student loans debt and shared resources on how to have a better handle on personal finances. Robin found herself in the same place as many college students find themselves now, with a mountain of debt. Speaker Ellyse Williams shared her travel stories and demystified the high expense on international travel. she shared the actual sites and apps she uses to travel across the world. Currently she has visited 14 countries with a goal of 40 before 40! Speaker and founder of Hustle Her Way, Kyshira Moffett spoke on branding, one thing that I took away from her talk was showing you "receipts". As women we often don't highlight our accomplishments, sometime we don't feel like we've accomplished much.

In attendances were women from difference industries and places in their careers. I have never been in a more inspiring room! I met so many doing amazing things, not only in business but also in there communities. I met someone who gave up her corporate job in order to fulfill her non-profit dreams, I met someone in the process of creating a virtual place for businesses to barter services.

The summit concluded with a panel discussion titled "Moguls in The Making" where we met four more young ladies that are rocking their industries. They answered questions from the audience. Although these ladies are in different industries one thing that they all had in common was that they were able to work pass their adversaries. The road to success is not linear, there is sure to be plenty of ups and downs. For more information about the summit and the speaker visit Hustle Her Way!

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