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Losing My Job Was The Best Thing Ever

I’m sure you read that title and thought “What the hell is wrong with her” but bear with me here. Right after I graduated with my bachelors I was one of those millennials that didn’t have a job and nowhere to go. So I packed my car and went back home to Washington, DC. After about 3 months of endless interviewing and answering those annoying strength and weakness questions I finally landed a job! Yay me! The salary was lower than I expected but since I didn’t have any “work experience” I took the job and promised myself I would learn everything I could and get a promotion. And so I did. After working for about a year and a half an opening can up and I was promoted. I had my own office and a higher salary. BALLIN’! (not really). I was kicked off my high horse really quickly, the company lost a contract which required me to be relocated to back to my original office, thankfully I got to keep my  salary. A few months later they lost the contract to that location and all the staff at that property were let go.

It happened like a scene in a movie. I was at my desk and suddenly I was told to grab my personal belongings and leave. It didn’t hit me until I got to my car, which I had just purchased 6 months earlier, and I started crying. This was the first time that I had ever been let go/laid off from a job. I started to panic. How and I going to pay my bills? How long before I find another job? How am I going to support my shoe addiction?

After the initial shock wore off I pulled myself back together and began to plan my next move. At the time a friend of mine was driving for Uber and suggested it. I signed up and drove in between temp assignments and interviews. I was let go in May and was working full time by November. The months in between were spent focusing on how I can prevent myself from ever being so dependent on a job. The reality of the situation is that no matter how bright you are or how good you are at your job you should always be prepared to be without it.

I can credit Uber and the use of temp agencies for saving me financially during the time I was unemployed. The biggest lesson I learned was to always be prepared. When you do have a job (whether you actually like it or not) take the time to learn new skills, obtain certifications (especially if the company pays for it) and network because you never know what will happened. Build your tangible skills and your savings so that if (or when) the time comes you will be prepared.

I gained so much confidence during this time and truly felt fearless! You never know how string you are until you are tested. I want to hear from you! How did you handle your last job change? Comment below!