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5 Times Its Ok to have a Fu*k It Attitude

Here we go folks, 

  1. Your body issues- I put this one first because it is the hardest one to deal with. Thanks to my daily consumption of social media I am bombarded by images of women who look like they were created at build a bear factory with only the best parts. They look like they sweat glitter and smell like a freshly unwrapped my size barbie. For the sake of your sanity do not use them as your body goals, actually don't use anyone as your body goals because thanks to something called DNA it is possible for two people to have the same workout and diet and still end up looking completely different. Two people can also both have the same plastic surgeon and look different (catch that tea!). So fcuk and be yourself, strive for a healthy body and do you boo boo!
  2. Your dating insecurities- Dont let Tom Foolery, Casper the no txt bck ghost ruin your dating experience. Yes their are a lot of frogs out there (no you don't have to kiss them all to get to prince charming) but keep faith alive. I'm not saying you need a man but I believe in love. Never be afraid to speak first and don't settle, be unafraid to go after the type of guy that you want. 
  3. Friends that are not really friends- Have you noticed your list of friends slowly dwindling? yea girl me too, but its cool. Let them go. There is not need for friends that are less dependable then edge control. Also know that its ok to categorize your friends. Some people are just good for popping bottles and day parties. Know that its ok to keep a tight circle of close friends, like 5... or two is good too. 
  4. Your Career Limitations- I know enough people that have created amazing careers for them self that I can no longer fix my lips to recite my excuses. If you want to do something do it! Stop waiting for the career fairy godmother to reach you because she is stuck in LA traffic on the way to the airport and she is going to miss her flight to you. Know that you will have doubters, but that's cool to.  Decide what you want to do and commit to the process. 
  5. Your Excuses- Honestly Fu*k your excuses.. about everything. Excuse are tools of the weak and incompetent, those who specialize in it seldom in success. Every time you give someone a laundry list of excuses as to why you cant do something you are only further manifesting your weak ass destiny, so snap out of it. You want to start a business, do the research needed and start. You want to lose weight? put down the cupcake, drink some water and go for a walk. Excuses are so easy and that's why we use them. I can think of several goals that I have that are currently just dreams because I have convinced myself that I don't have the time, money or resources to go for it. But the sooner you just say Fu*k it to that list of excuses the better off you will be. And even if you never reach that goal you will still be better off than if you've never tried. your struggle builds personality, and you can never have too much personality. so go forth and be great. 

Did I miss something that you would like to see on this list? comment below!